Digital audio books have rapidly gained in popularity over the last few years due to their convenience. In the past listening to audio books meant having to deal with multiple cassettes. Tapes were cumbersome and made it inconvenient to listen to a long story. Also cassette tapes could be troublesome due to the fact that they were so prone to damage from heat, etc. When CDs entered the picture they certainly changed the world of audio books for the better. However CDs were still cumbersome and inconvenient albeit less so than tapes.
What has truly revolutionized the audio book industry is downloadable digital audio books. You just can't beat the convenience of a digital file for a good number of reasons. For one thing, you no longer have to worry about storing and caring for a bunch of cassettes and CDs. You certainly can't scratch a digital file or break it! Now you can listen to your audio books anywhere you like with an iPod or other mp3 player. You can even listen on your PC or Mac if you like. And for listeners who occasionally require CDs (such as car stereos that don't have an iPod input) digital audio books are the best of both worlds as they can be easily converted to a standard audio CD.
Nowadays you can find nearly every genre in audio format, from fiction to business to children's books. And with publishers rapidly releasing both new titles and old classics you're sure to find nearly all of the titles you would want.
How to Use Audio in Business Using Videos In Your Website
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